sábado, 14 de diciembre de 2013

The Desolation of Smaug Premiers

The more or less awaited sequel of "An unexpected Journey" is finally out in theaters. This weekend "The Hobbit: the Desolation of Smaug" has hit the silver screen.

I still haven't had the opportunity to see it, and therefore, I cannot offer any particular insight. I just wanted to mark this event.

Truth be told, I am not terribly excited about it, especially after seeing how disappointing the last movie was. But I also must say that the part of the book which this movie covers is probably my favorite. That's probably the reason why I really feel bad about how little expectations I have about this movie.

I really love the insight we get in the book of the Mirkwood forest and its people. Specially Thranduil. He might be a disagreeable character with a profound hate towards dwarfs (I will discuss the racist interpretations some other day), but he is one heck of an enjoyable character.

One of the most controversial aspects of this release is the introduction of the she-elf Tauriel, which is a completely invented character. She doesn't appear in the book, and was added due to the controversial lack of female presence in the story. I don't really agree with that decision. But I will refrain my complaints until I see the movie.

And then there's the inclusion of Legolas, although he isn't in the book either. This is not so controversial because Tolkien itself though that he should be in the story, but he never had the time to include him. Again, I will wait to see the movie to give my final thoughts on this.

So, enough complaining. The movie is out in theaters since last Friday. And as a high fantasy fan, I had to mention it.

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